17.Parting Line & Parting Surface

1.the parting surface splits part into cavity and core side,a quality parting surface is the basics of a good mold design.
2. Stepped P/S
2.1  P/L(Parting line) extracted from maximum profile,which has a good part appearance and bad machinability:

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2.2  simplify the P/S,parting line left on part;

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2.3  P/L is a flat surface,good machinability (if approved by customer):

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3. Angled P/S

3.1  Locating pad needed whenever possible,
3.2  The Min. fitting distance1/2”:

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4. Part Surface
4.1  Locating pad needed whenever possible,
4.2  The Min. fitting distance1/2”:

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5.P/L  Along the Side Slots
5.1Type_A: preferred if draft angle >3º (Min.),
5.2 Type_B:applied if draft angle<3º (Min.),
5.3 the minimum two side shutting off angles of type_B is 3º:

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 6. P/L Along the Side holes

6.1 shutting off:

6.1.1 P/L to be approved by customer;

6.1.2  Undercuts may exist in hatch area;

6.1.3 The roundness may out of tolerance;

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6.2 molding by mechanical slide

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6.3 pin_driven by hydraulic cylinder

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7. Holes in the draft direction
7.1 coring out,core pins fixed to A or B side per part design;
7.2 one radius added to core pins and the std. pins used.

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8.Holes angled with draft direction
8.1shutting off
8.2slide driven by hydraulic cylinder

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9.Boss on the side

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10. the side Tab
10.1 Type I the best solution,except p/l and undercut;
10.2 Type II;
10.3 Type III.

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11.the shutting off design

11.1 Direct shutting off

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11.2 insert shutting off area

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11.3  the life of insert

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11.4 prevent the splash

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11.5 for a better machinability and repair

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12. Improving of Thin and Poor Steel Condition

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13. The fitting distance and datum plane

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14. The transition area.

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15. Stand and Balance the side injection pressure

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16. Flaten surface for the sprue bushing

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17. Small cored out holes

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18.Direct shut off

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19.Direct shut off

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