1.the parting surface splits part into cavity and core side,a quality parting surface is the basics of a good mold design.
2. Stepped P/S
2.1 P/L(Parting line) extracted from maximum profile,which has a good part appearance and bad machinability:
2.2 simplify the P/S,parting line left on part;
2.3 P/L is a flat surface,good machinability (if approved by customer):
3. Angled P/S
3.1 Locating pad needed whenever possible,
3.2 The Min. fitting distance1/2”:
4. Part Surface
4.1 Locating pad needed whenever possible,
4.2 The Min. fitting distance1/2”:
5.P/L Along the Side Slots
5.1Type_A: preferred if draft angle >3º (Min.),
5.2 Type_B:applied if draft angle<3º (Min.),
5.3 the minimum two side shutting off angles of type_B is 3º:
6. P/L Along the Side holes
6.1 shutting off:
6.1.1 P/L to be approved by customer;
6.1.2 Undercuts may exist in hatch area;
6.1.3 The roundness may out of tolerance;
6.2 molding by mechanical slide
6.3 pin_driven by hydraulic cylinder
7. Holes in the draft direction
7.1 coring out,core pins fixed to A or B side per part design;
7.2 one radius added to core pins and the std. pins used.
8.Holes angled with draft direction
8.1shutting off
8.2slide driven by hydraulic cylinder
9.Boss on the side
10. the side Tab
10.1 Type I the best solution,except p/l and undercut;
10.2 Type II;
10.3 Type III.
11.the shutting off design
11.1 Direct shutting off
11.2 insert shutting off area
11.3 the life of insert
11.4 prevent the splash
11.5 for a better machinability and repair
12. Improving of Thin and Poor Steel Condition
13. The fitting distance and datum plane
14. The transition area.
15. Stand and Balance the side injection pressure
16. Flaten surface for the sprue bushing
17. Small cored out holes
18.Direct shut off
19.Direct shut off