1. Used for the ejection of part from the core side.
2.the guideline for the design of ejection system
- the minimum distance between e.j. hole and other holes or edge:3/32”;
- clearance data per the following design:
- Std. e.j. pin(s) used;
- the perpendicularity and surface roughness (Ra ~ 0.25μm) of e.j. pin hole checked;
- e.j. pin holes diameter:
- the e.j. systems can fall down freely;
- the position of e.j. pin should be identified both on pins and e.j. plate;
- the orientation of forming e.j. pin:
- a thoroughly check made to avoid the any miss of e.j. pin,core pin,e.j. sleeve or other items;
- insure the enough quantity of e.j. pins placed and parallel ejection.
- the minimum distance between e.j. pin and waterline:6.35mm;
- location of airtrap and where the vacuum is easily formed;for example ,the large sized flat surface or cylindrical surface;
- other e.j. methods used where the part appearance is free of e.j. marks;
- the air e.j. and e.j. block are usually used with the transparent part.
- try to use a bigger diameter and minimized types of e.j. pins used wherever possible;
3.two kinds of e.j. pins used:
(ii)Nitrided— surface:65~74HRC
4. The position of e.j. pins
4.2 the layout and quantity of e.j. pins determined by the balanced ejection,part complexity and waterline.
4.3 Symmetry Placement of e.j. pins:
4.4 e.j. pins under boss
4.5 e.j. pins under rib
5. the e.j. blade was used where the rib depth is greater than 20.00 mm.
6. the e.j. sleeve
- The e.j. sleeve used where the round feature depth is greater than 20.00 mm.
- the Min. wall thickness:1.50mm;
- the sleeve and pin ordered together;
7. Stripper plate was used for the e.j. of deep cylindrical part,thin wall part and when the e.j. mark is not permitted.
8. e.j. block or e.j. bar
mainly used for the part which permits no e.j. mark;
e.j. block and main block must have a different hardness(>5HRC);
the cone fitting between e.j. block and main block used;
the lubricant slot needed on the side;
the height of e.j. block is greater than 2 times of e.j. stroke.
two e.j. bar needed for over-sized e.j. block.
9.Air ejection
The air e.j. should never be used as the sole means of part ejection,just for the prevention of molded part damage because of the vaccum problem often encountered during the molding of deep draw or thin walled part.
10.two stages ejection
Two stages ejection used when the sequence of e.j. is required.