1.the typical component of a hot runner system:
3.The gating type
Hot tip gating ,Thermal sprue,Edge gating and Valve gating.
3.1 Hot tip gating
3.2 Thermal Sprue
3.3 Edge Gating
3.4 Valve Gating
4.the selection of hot runner system
5.the thermal expansion
6.the Wire out channel
- the wire out channel should be offset from the centerline al least 1.25” to avoid the eyebolt holes.
- the minimum channel size: 3/8”x 5/8” depending on the quantity of wires.
- label all wires;
7.the wiring of hot manifold
8.the manifold heaters
- Cartridge heaters is the major heating source in the hot runner system.
- the distance between heaters is larger than 1.5D(D= the diameter of heater);
- the through hole is recommended;
- the hole for one heater should be drilled from one side to avoid the deviation;
- hole tolerance: D+0.001”~0.005” and polished;
- mold cleaner needed to prevent the corrosion and ensure the easy removal when maintenance;
- two insulate sheet needed on all the mold with heaters