11.Support Pillar

1.Used for standing the injection pressure and preventing the deformation of B plate.
2.Material:1040 ST’L,600N/m2.


3.Special notes:

  • 3.1 fasten the support to bottom clamp plate;
  • 3.2 clerance between support pillar and e.j. plate:>1/16”;
  • 3.3 support pillar is higher than the spacer block the following data for precompression(pre load);
  • 3.4 the Min. clearance between support pillar and spacer block:1.000”~1.500”;
  • 3.5 the Max. distance between supports:3.25”;
  • 3.6 the support pillar should be sectioned on assembly drawing whenever possible, otherwise the dashed line should be showed.image004

4.How the support Pillar affect the deformation of B plate

The use of support can decrease the deformation of B plate significantly,as depicted in the following diagram.
